(508) 822-2054 info@datarecyclingne.com

Have you ever wondered what the hard drive shredding process looks like, or how long it takes, or what the end result is (besides completely destroyed data that comes with a Certificate of Data Destruction)? Well, now you can see the process in action.

Check out this quick, 30-second video showing the entire process from start to finish… with no time lapse (yeah, it’s really that fast).

Now that you’ve seen how cool that is (and it really is cool), you’re probably wondering why you would have your hard drive shredded in the first place? After all – isn’t it enough to simply delete all of your files, do a factory reset on your computer, and call it a day? The short answer is perhaps not.

For any organization or individual that has personal and confidential information on their computer, the above steps are great first steps, but they aren’t enough. And, for certain industries such as healthcare, there is the issue of HIPPA regulations and patient security, and for education, they may not meet the minimum guidelines for protecting the identities and information of students. That’s where Data Recycling of New England comes in. Your organization can either send us your hard drives directly (if there are just a couple) or schedule a pick-up at your location. From there, we’ll make sure the hard drive is completely wiped clean – or blanked – and then shred it.

In some cases, electronic data destruction is sufficient. Add to that our certificate of data destruction, and you have complete peace of mind.

We also host Electronic Recycling Fundraisers, where we’ll pick up almost any used electronic item for proper recycling to ensure that it stays out of landfills. For more information on hosting one, click here.