(508) 822-2054 info@datarecyclingne.com

Berkley, MA — For nearly a decade, Data Recycling of New England has been proud to be exhibiting at the Massachusetts Computer Using Educators (MassCUE) annual conference. This year’s event, which takes place October 23-24, is being held at Gillette Stadium in Foxboro, MA and will feature a variety of presentations, breakout sessions, and exhibits, as well as a keynote speech by Tara Martin, found of #BookSnaps.

This year, Data Recycling of New England is also proud to announce that they have partnered with MassCUE to present one Teacher Scholarship. The Scholarship is funding a deserving Massachusetts teacher’s trip to MassCUE 2019 (including one night of lodging). T.C. Witherell, President of Data Recycling, said, “We are excited to partner with MassCUE to present a hardworking teacher with the opportunity to experience the event at no cost to them.” In order to choose the recipient Data Recycling selected a town at random from their New England service area, which was Pembroke, MA. They then worked in conjunction with the Pembroke Public School’s Superintendent – Erin Obey – to select a teacher they felt would benefit from this year’s MassCUE program.

Data Recycling NE TC Witherall With that, Data Recycling would like to extend their congratulations to sixth grade teacher Elizabeth Bartholomea. Ms. Bartholomae is a math and science teacher who graduated from Boston College in 2014 and is currently completing her Master’s degree at Bridgewater State University. Speaking of her selection as the Teacher Scholarship winner she said, “I currently teach math and science and work so hard to give my students the opportunity to love learning as much as I do. Technology plays a huge role in engaging my modern students in their education and allows them to advocate for their learning style while learning at a pace that is appropriate for their needs. I am always looking for new ways to pique their interest and for this reason, I am so grateful to have the opportunity to attend MassCUE.”


About Data Recycling of New England

Data Recycling NE, Inc., an electronic waste recycling company, focuses on hard drive destruction for businesses and consumers, and electronic recycling of all types of e-waste: desktop computers, laptops, computer parts and accessories and other consumer electronics, including CRTs. Data Recycling also recycles other materials, such as Freon and non-Freon bearing appliances/white goods, while focusing on the potential to repair or resell the complete unit on the secondary market throughout the world.

Data Recycling of New England services hundreds of municipalities, schools and businesses throughout New England.

About MassCUE

Massachusetts Computer Using Educators (MassCUE) is the state’s leading organization for educators with a passion for technology in education.

For Further Information

Contact: Debra T. Morais, Communication Works, Inc., 401.934.0708; Cell: 401.286.6666