(508) 822-2054 info@datarecyclingne.com

Securely Destroy Your Electronic Data

It’s not unreasonable that before you upgrade to a new device and dispose of your old one you want to back up and securely destroy electronic data. Your personal information, passwords and deep, dark secrets on that computer deserve to be protected. Businesses,...

On-Site Hard Drive Shredding

On-site Hard Drive Shredding Is Coming To You! Did you know that many computer users – home and businesses – don’t know that they should destroy their hard drives, much less how to actually do it. In fact, statistics suggest that more than 50% of businesses don’t...

Data Destruction and Information Privacy Laws

Data Destruction and Information Privacy Laws Did you know that when it comes to information privacy laws the United States is fairly lax? With the European Union implementing GDPR last year it’s never been more prominently highlighted. In fact, in the US, with the...
Do Your Devices #SparkJoy?

Do Your Devices #SparkJoy?

Okay, we know it might be a little bit early to start talking about spring cleaning but for many people “spring cleaning” is a year round thing. And, with the recent release of the Marie Kondo series on Netflix about her much talked-about KonMari Method many folks are...
Cleaning Up Digital Clutter

Cleaning Up Digital Clutter

The New Year usually inspires new behaviors and cleaning up your digital clutter can be a very good way to kick off the new year on a fresh slate. Just as a cluttered desk undermines productivity, so does a cluttered computer desktop – or any other digital device. ...

How To Get More Life Out Of Your Device Battery

At Data Recycling we’re all about what to do with your devices when they no longer work (a battery that’s constantly dying, for instance) or you’ve upgraded to the latest and greatest and need to move on. However, there are some instances when a device isn’t...